How To Take The Best Blog Photos

Hey everyone it’s Zainab, welcome or welcome back to Zainab Chats! Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of comments about my blog photography and the photos I take. So, I thought today I’d share how I’d take them as they’re actually really simple to take and you do not have to be professional photographer. Let’s jump into it!

What You Need:
An Item Or Items To Take Photos Of (These could be anything around your room that would just look pretty!)
A Camera (I personally use my phone, you could use a proper camera or even an iPad camera)
The Free Adobe Lightroom App

1) Arrange your items on a plain background -this could be a blanket, a wall or your desk! – arrange them in a random order but so they fit together at the same time
2) Take a picture of them with your camera – take a couple from different angles just incase.
3) Open the Lightroom app, and import the photos you’ve taken and edit them. On the app, you can change the lighting, exposure, colour theory and more!
4) If you don’t want to spend too much time editing, the Lightroom Community has some free presets you can use and then tweak the photo from there. I personally have made my own preset!
5) Export the photos and open them into the WordPress app and add them to the post!

Examples Using These Steps:

These photos were taken using the steps above. As you can see, you can use random items to create flatlays! I’ve used my desk and plains blankets as backgrounds. For the photo on the right, those gold circles are magnets – so you can really use anything!

So, that was the method I use to take my blog photos. I hope this has been useful to anybody who wants to up their photography game. Let me know in the comments how you take your photos!

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Have an amazing day!

26 thoughts on “How To Take The Best Blog Photos

  1. haoyando

    Wow, such beautiful picture with beautiful colors you have here. Do you also compress them? How big a picture you think is good for wordpress? I guess twitter and instagram doesn’t care much about your picture size, but wordpress has storage limits.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Maya

    You photos are always soo pretty this must be a good method! Thanks for helping me figure out what to do for 100 followers i ended up doing a Q and A so I would love to see and answer your questions! Can’t wait to see them

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lokesh Sastya

    Interesting idea Zainab. It’s cool.
    Thank you for sharing.🥰🥰

    You have developed a manner to present your work and I really appreciate it.😁👌

    Liked by 1 person

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