My Favourite Benefits That Come From Blogging

Hey everyone it’s Zainab here, welcome or welcome back to the blog! I was recently on WordPress Reader and saw a post from Flora’s Week Show where she wrote about the great things coming from blogging. I thought it was a super great idea, make sure you check out Flora’s original post because today I’m going to share my favourite benefits of blogging!

You Meet So Many People From Other Backgrounds

The blogging world is so big, and I’ve met so many people from other countries, backgrounds and with other interests. You can learn so much from them, and everyone is so lovely – this is 100% my favourite benefit!

You Can Develop + Further or Discover Your Passions

A lot of people start their blogs based on one interest or niche. By creating so many posts for that interest, you will just be developing that passion! Not to mention, by being in this large community, you will discover new passions from other people and have more interests.

You Gain Experience For So Many Other Skills

As well as the obvious writing experience from creating the blog posts, you’re also going to gain experience on building a blog (through blog sites) as well as design experience through creating the logo and graphics!

Thank you so much for reading this blog post, make sure you read Flora’s original post and comment your favourite benefits in the comments. Also, Happy Thanksgiving to all my followers who celebrate the occasion!

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Have a fabulous day!