3 Positive Summer Bucket List Ideas

Hello everyone it’s Zainab here, welcome or welcome back to Zainab Chats! I’m so happy that summer is here, it’s going to be nice to get a break from school. I have no plans for summer due to Covid so I’m just going to spend it relaxing and seeing friends and family. Today, I’ll share with you some bucket list ideas that specifically can help increase your positivity!

A Room Cleanout
So obviously, a big thing these days is ‘Spring Cleaning’ so this is the exact same thing but in the Summer. A room cleanout in the Summer is so useful as the weather is changing so you can reevaluate the clothes you will keep, get rid of anything you don’t need anymore, whether it’s for work, school etc. Also, as it’s Summer you can do this on an annual basis to keep your room tidy.

This is the first thing I did on my bucket list and I can’t explain how therapeutic it was – remember to try and donate your good quality items and dispose of the bad quality items however your local area lets you! This won’t just increase yours, but hopefully somebody else’s positivity!

Unsubscribe From Unwatched/Unread YouTube Channels / Blogs
We all know that sometimes we oversubscribe to content that we sometimes never end up watching or reading, so in the Summer Holidays, it’s the perfect time to get them off your feed. Remember you don’t have to follow every piece of content you see, especially if it’s toxic or makes you feel bad. One great tip is to only keep positive content on your feed to help your own positivity. If you find it’s decreasing your positive vibes, you should get it off your feed. Again, you can do this on an annual basis!

Catch Up On School Work
Now this will definitely help your positivity in school. I know school is the last thing anybody wants to be thinking about, but for me, I know I have quite a lot of summer work which I need to get done. I know one thing that helps is to spread it out over the summer (something I actually need to start doing!)

Thank you so much for reading this post guys, I hope these ideas were useful to increasing positivity during the summer!

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Have a fantastic day!