Raising Awareness For Palestine

Hey everyone it’s Zainab here, welcome or welcome back to Zainab Chats! So, I actually had a different post lined up for today but due to everything happening in the world, I’ve decided to push it back and write this post about Palestine. My blog is all about positivity but I also want to use my platform to raise awareness for different issues. I’ll be sharing what’s been happening, how we can help and some useful links. Let’s jump into the information!

What’s Happening In Palestine?
In Palestine, an occupying country called Israel have been attacking their land. This conflict between Israel and Palestine has been happening for thousands of years but only recently has received more attention due to the escalation of the situation – Israel have been firing and launching attacks in Gaza with several people being killed.

As well as this, they were also attacking the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan which is supposed to be a holy time for them to pray, but instead they had to hear weapons which is just horrible.

I also just want to make it very clear that I am not Anti Semitic – I love and respect all people of all faiths. I want to make it clear I have the upmost respect for the Jewish Faith. However, I don’t agree with the Israeli Government’s treatment of the Palestinian people. You are not an Anti Semite when you’re standing up against war crimes. I wish to stand up against this oppression!

This conflict is as bad as the World Wars which is horrible to even think about. Bombs, guns and weapon sounds should not be the sounds Palestinian children – or any children – should be waking up to. We all need to come together and help stop this.

How Can We Help?
No matter how big or how small, every little bit counts and Palestine needs our help more then ever. There are many things we can do to help them.

First of all, if you’re in a place in the word that is Corornavirus free or nearly Coronavirus free, protesting is a great way to get your voices heard. I’m sure there are many places in the world holding protests right now, but please be safe!

My next way is something everything can do, use your platforms to educate people. Whether you have a large following on your blog, or a private social media account, everyone has a platform and they can use it to to raise awareness! Even if you only got one person to learn something new, that’s still one new person who has become educated about the situation. Then, that person could share with their friends, and it could be a continuous cycle of education! You could share anything from the links in this blog post to some charity donation links.

There are also many charities out there sending money to Palestine but they need your donations. I will be linking the charities below!

The final way is something so simple yet so effective: signing petitions. There are many petitions out there that can really do good for Palestine. Whether it’s a petition your countries government to help them or a petition to stop trade and supplies going to Israel there’s so many resources available.

UK Government Petition to Introduce Sanctions Against Israel
Israel-Palestine Conflict Fact Checked
Petition to Impose Financial and Military Sanctions on Israel for War Crimes
Donate To Palestine Emergency Appeal
Just Giving Fundraising For Palestine

Thank you so much for reading this blog post, please try and raise awareness if you can, it would mean a lot. Let me know in the comments what you will do to raise awareness!

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Any suggestions or feel like chatting? Comment down below!

Have a lovely day!

14 thoughts on “Raising Awareness For Palestine

  1. Lokesh Sastya

    Brave initiative Zainab. It would be a great help if you can play a role as a link between Palestinians and your readers here.

    If you share some real stories, people may try to help in different ways, whatever they can.

    Various west Asian countries are facing war and attacks. Any initiative started for peacekeeping would be a great help to humanity. Thank you. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Maya Rajesh

    hi, zainab! first, thank you for speaking out on this topic; it’s highly debated and i applaud you for that, first of all. obviously, there are two sides to a war, and no one truly wins for both sides lose people. this is actually extremely sad what with the virus going on, and the gaza strip controversy. unfortunately, our region is battling another coronavirus wave, so we can’t do much, but i’ll surely check out those donation links. great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. thewheelchairteen

    Thank you so much for raising awareness about this issue. I hope that it will help to spur your readers into action. Have you heard about the ceasefire? There’s still a lot that needs to be done but it’s good to see that all of our effort to try and get this to stop is paying off. I’ve been praying for Palestine all week and I am going to see if there are petitions I can sign too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. مايا(Maya)

    Thanks for raising awareness for falisteen. People that have married into my family are from Palestine and this needs to stop. Thanks for sharing the petitions!! I donated lots of money in Ramadan for Palestine 🇵🇸

    Liked by 1 person

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